Buch in englischer Sprache von Göran Burenhult THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF CARROWMORE in Zeuthen



Untertitel, Autor, Übersetzer etc.:


Environmental Archaeology and the Megalithic Tradition at Carrowmore, Co. Sligo, Ireland by Göran Burenhult

in collaboration with: Henry Bengtsson and Stefan Bergh, Hans Göransson, Evy and Ove Persson, Martin A. Timoney, Inger and Sven Österholm

with contributions by: Thomas Bartholin, Richard Bradley and Robert Chapman Seamus Caulfield Grahame Clark Peter Danaher George Eogan W. Groenman van Waateringe, Birgitta Hulthen, Gunborg Janzon, Ian Kinnes, Mats P. Malmer, Michael Monk, Poul-Otto Nielsen, Michael J. O’Kelly, Colin Renfrew, Peter Woodman

Verlag, Druck, ISBN etc. (Glossar)

Published with the aid of grants from the Swedish Counsil for Research in the Human-ities and Social Sciences.

ABSTRACT Burenhult, G.

Editor: Mats P. Malmer

© G. Burenhults Förlag 1984

Layout: Göran Burenhult

Printed at Grafiska Gruppen AB, Stockholm

ISBN 9197020745


Art & Zustand des Einbandes / Mappe:

Pappeinband mit Folie bezogen (Hardcover)

etwas bereiben und stellenweise mit Kratzern und Druckstellen

an den Ecken und Kanten stellenweise gestaucht oder bestoßen

akzeptabler gebrauchter Zustand

Art & Zustand vom Schutzumschlag:

nicht oder nicht mehr vorhanden

Anzahl & Zustand der Seiten:

397 nummerierte Seiten

mit den üblichen Gebrauchsspuren, die beim Lesen auftreten können

Sprache & Schriftart:


lateinische Schrift

Die Maße sind wie folgt:

Höhe: ca. 303 mm

Breite: ca. 219 mm

Stärke: ca. 23 mm

Versandgewicht: ca. 1700 g


FOREWORD by Ciaire O’Kelly

In writing these few lines of introduction to the defini¬tive volume on the Carrowmore project, I realize that I am merely taking the place of my late husband, Profes¬sor M.J. O’Kelly of University College Cork. The idea of Swedish involvement in Carrowmore was my hus-band’s and it was his friendship over many, many years with the Sligo Field Club that enabled Göran Burenhult and his team to obtain the local back-up which is such an essential ingredient of any archaeology campaign.

It was the knowledge and expertise of the Field Club, so ably demonstrated recently in F.T. Kitchin’s ‘Survey of the Carrowmore Megalithic Cemetery’ (Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 1983), that unfolded for Göran the füll extent of the archaeological possibilities of the Carrowmore area. Another Service performed by the Club was, to my mind, just as useful. I refer to the social aspect—to obtaining the goodwill of those whose fields were to be invaded and to obtaining accommoda-tion and all the other mechanics of staying alive without which no dig, however skilfully managed, can get off the ground. In their first season, 1977, the Swedish team proved itself and thereafter, a grant was forthcoming each year from the Irish State.

Visiting the various Carrowmore sites, as I did each summer, it was hard to realize how high-powered many of the Swedish team were in their own right. I confess that it was not until I read the names and titles of some of the personnel listed in this present volume that it was borne in on me that a great many of the figures whom I saw hefting buckets and barrows in the seemingly end-less Sligo rain (soft rain, of course) were well known experts in various branches of the Sciences in their own country.

I think they all feil in love with Sligo, but Sligo took them and Göran and his wife, Monica, and their chil-dren, Niclas and Eva, to its heart also. Ample proof of this was demonstrated at the seminar on the Carrow¬more project held in 1982 and at the speeches and presentations that followed the final farewell dinner.

Göran has moved on to fresh fields and pastures since then but I hope he will always retain what I consider his most valuable gift. Strangely enough, I am not thinking of his efficiency but of his understanding of the common man, which we all are, or should be, and which stood him in such good stead in Carrowmore.

Claire O’Kelly 20 February 1984

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