Jack Higgins – Night Judgement at Sinos in Helferskirchen


Das Buch kostet 1,00 €, bei Versand zzgl. 1,90 € per unversicherter Büchersendung.

Autor/in:    Jack Higgins
Titel:    Night Judgement at Sinos
Preis:    1,00 €
ISBN:    0440162637 (ISBN-13: 9780440162636)
Seiten:    222
Gewicht:    110 g
Verlag:    Dell Publ.
Auflage:    Dez. 1987
Erschienen:    1970
Einband:    Softcover
Sprache:    Englisch
Zustand:    leichte Gebrauchsspuren
Beschreibung:    Das Buch ist dem Alter entsprechend in gutem, sichtbar gelesenem Zustand. Buchrücken leicht schief. Nichtraucherhaushalt.
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The island of Sinos. Strategically positioned between Greece and Turkey, this small Mediterranean isle is a relic of the past–an old Turkish stronghold fortified by the Nazis during World War II. Now it has become a prison for political offenders from the Greek mainland. A fortress of grim solitude and secrets, Sinos is the last place anyone would voluntarily enter–but deep sea diver Jack Savage has little choice. After losing his boat in a suspicious explosion, Savage is approached by shipping magnate Dimitri Aleko. The multi-millionaire has taken an extreme interest in Savage's background as a Royal Marine Commando and his expertise in underwater sabotage. Aleko also has a job for Savage: masterminding the ultimate breakout… For on the prison island of Sinos, one man holds the fate of thousands in his hands. And Jack Savage is the key to unlocking that fate.

Source: New feed