what is a own watermark paper? in Kaiserslautern


Our custom watermarked papers contain security features that make copying by potential counterfeiters an insurmountable task. 

Even our so-called simple watermarks, bright against the light, are already relatively forgery-proof.

This is because, unlike all other suppliers, we can also add your own watermark to fully coated, semi-matte and colored papers.

We see it as our responsibility to decisively counteract the ever-increasing unauthorized counterfeiting and copying.

We also do not make any false promises in terms of counterfeit protection, because the normal watermark in uncoated papers, i.e. uncoated papers, can now be done by just about any watermark provider.

This means that a normal watermark in uncoated papers is never, ever forgery-proof.

Counterfeit protection is defined by the uniqueness of a certain technique, effectiveness and appearance, just like the watermarking technique we have developed.

To achieve the highest level of security against counterfeiting, we can offer you the fluorescent UV watermark, which is only produced by us.

More protection against counterfeiting is not possible.

If no forgery protection is required, we naturally offer only the normal watermark on uncoated paper or uncoated paper. This will make your printed matter beautiful, noble and enhance its image. 

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Source: New feed