Annet Mahendru on Storytelling, Self-Care, and Success


By Pooja Shah

Oftentimes actors and actresses pull inspiration from their own lives to portray an on-screen character. Annet Mahendru, seasoned storyteller, is a perfect example. Born in Afghanistan to a Russian mother who is a businesswoman and artist, and an Indian father who is a journalist and professor, Annet grew up with a diverse ethnic background. Paired with the fact that she is competent in Persian, Russian, German, English, and conversational Hindi and French, Annet’s skill set allows TV and media fans to connect with her on multiple levels.

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Since wrapping up her work on the FX period drama series, “The Americans,” in which she played Nina Sergeevna Krilova, Annet has been working on a number of recent projects. Her latest work, “Manifest West,” is about a family that goes off the grid into the untamed North American wilderness to escape the pressures and boundaries of normal society and establish normalcy.

We caught up with the Anthropologieloving actress about her storytelling abilities and her views on diversity in the industry.

How did you get into the world of acting and the media industry?

When the Soviet Union collapsed, my parents decided to move overseas. I grew up using art as a tool to feel better, and at one point wanted to become a professional artist. I attended high school at East Meadow in Long Island, New York, and I loved the ability to jump onto the train and head into Manhattan to watch plays, immerse myself in theater and ballet, and study dance and singing. In fact, I studied ballet and Bharatanatyam, which is an Indian classical form of dance. Dance taught me how to be a professional storyteller because you don’t need words, you just need movement, emotion, and heart to connect with your audience. I ended up in places by happenstance, but truly believed that wherever I ended up was where I was supposed to be.

Tell us more about your latest project, “Manifest West.” What is the message you want viewers to recognize?

“Manifest West” is a project near and dear to my heart, especially because it’s a movie I am working on with my husband. This is a film about family and about leaving the city and familiarity behind in hopes of finding autonomy. It’s a gritty story, but in a way it’s a story about perseverance and continuing life as a family unit.

How do you achieve a work-life balance?

I currently live in Tennessee with my husband and son. When you take on a role, you leave your life behind to tell the story and to be someone else. Sometimes it’s fun and exciting that you bring aspects of your character home, but even if that works for a bit, there’s the you that needs attention and self-care. I enjoy being present with my family, having good conversation, and having nice baths to physically relax my body. In “Manifest West,” I play a mother who is coping with a bipolar disorder and as a result, the father has to overcompensate for a parenting role and there’s no room for self-care. As a family unit, we need to nurture so that we can flourish together.


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